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Thai mussels

1 kg




20 grams


20 grams





red pepper


lime leaves

200 grams

coconut milk

Start by rinsing the mussels under some running cold water. We do this to remove any unwanted parts and or sand. If any mussels start of float throw those away, these are bad. Then drain the water and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. While the water is draining you can prepare your vegetables. First cut the shallot in half and clean it. Then slice it in thin slices. Now also cut the ginger, the galangal, the lemongrass and the red pepper. I cut it with seeds, but if you’re sensitive for hot food remove those first. Then add a drizzle of oil to a hot pan and add the shallots with all the remaining vegetables we just cut. Also add the lime leaves and then pan fry everything for a minute or two. Once some color starts to form add the rinsed mussels and pan fry it for another minute. Then deglaze the pan with the coconut milk and cover the pan with a lid. Now boil the mussels till all of them have opened up. This takes about a minute. Once cooked remove the lid and drain the liquid from the mussels. Then cool them down as fast as possible. I always keep the cooking liquid to use in other recipes. Once the mussels have cooled down remove them from the shells and throw the shells away. Now pass the liquid thrown a fine sieve and then use it to cover the cleaned mussels. This prevents them from drying out.


chaer christiane
chaer christiane
10 minutes ago

التعليم الروحي تحت إشراف شيخ روحاني

تحت إشراف شيخ روحاني، يمكن للأفراد الاستفادة من دروس ودورات تعليمية تهدف إلى تعزيز الفهم الروحي والديني. تشمل هذه الدروس مواضيع متنوعة مثل تفسير القرآن، الحديث الشريف، الفقه، والعقيدة. من خلال هذه الدروس، يمكن للأفراد بناء قاعدة معرفية قوية تساعدهم في تحقيق النمو الروحي.

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